Specialist Switches

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Specialist Switches

It may be necessary to consider a different type of switch when a button switch proves not to be suitable for the individual.

In this respect there are many specialist switches available, in different shapes and sizes, that require varying amounts of pressure to activate.

Unlike button switches, many specialist switches are specifically designed to be operated by different parts of the body, such as the head, foot, chin or mouth.

This enables switch access for the individual who is unable to use their hand to operate a switch. 


As a specialist switch can be operated by ways other than a hand press it is important to identify which means of activation is most suitable for the individual. It may be the case that the switch user tries several switches before this decision is made.

The FingerButton, for example, is usually wrapped around the user's finger.

It only requires a low activation force of 75g which makes it ideal for users with minimal movement.

When looking to operate a switch through head movement it would be advisable to consider a cushion-based switch based such as the KajoButton Soft Switch or Pillow Switch.

These devices include a removable, washable cover with replacement covers available if required.

The Chin Switch enables those users with severe physical disabilities to operate a switch through movement of their chin.

It is a small, lightweight device, mounted onto a tube that is worn like a necklace.


If an individual is unable to exert the required amount of pressure to activate a button switch, there are several specialist switches that require little to no pressure at all to activate

The Pal Pad is a low-profile switch that only requires 35g of pressure to activate.

It’s available in three different sizes and five colours and emits no audible click when pressed.

The Micro Light Switch only requires a feather lite touch - just 10g of pressure to activate.

Meanwhile the Candy Corn Proximity Sensor Switch is available in two sizes and can be activated with a hand wave or body movement – touch isn’t even required.

The Cosmo Switch is a unique light-up, multi-colour Bluetooth switch interface for tablets, mobile phones and computers.

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