Eye Gaze for Windows

eyetuitive for Windows - Virtual Demo

Easy to setup and simple to use, eyetuitive for Windows is the first choice for eye gaze users in every classroom. Indiscriminate of skill, it is perfect for multi-user settings. It allows anyone to start at any level of ability and build their gaze control skills at their own pace.

Geared particularly for the emerging eye gaze user, the session will include a look at activities included across all three Inclusive EyeGaze Learning Curve titles, games based software that is designed to teach and develop early eye tracking and choice making skills.

By the end of the virtual demo you should have:

  • An overview of eyetuitive for Windows and the benefits of using the eye tracker for users of all abilities. 
  • Knowledge of how to set up and use the eyetuitive for Windows and easily adjust the positioning and calibration. 
  • A detailed overview of the eyetuitive settings app and Windows Eye Control, including all available options and settings. 
  • An understanding of Inclusive EyeGaze Learning Curve software featuring Attention and Looking, Exploring and Playing and Choosing and Learning. 
  • Details of price and availability.

Book your personal eyetuitive for Windows virtual demo today!

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