Communication Technology

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Communication Technology

Communication and technology

Having a method of communication is an important part of living and learning for all. Technology has been developed to provide many ways of enhancing communication for children and adults with special needs and disabilities. The process of finding a suitable system for individuals requires careful consideration of their needs and abilities and a good understanding of the different methods and devices available.

An individual’s communication system will involve mixture of methods including gesture, facial expression, situation and relationship between the people involved. Technology can enhance communication but must not be the ultimate and only method.

Communication Technologies

Speech output is a key part of most communication technology allowing the user to communicate with others in a face to face situation, although the more complex devices can offer text output for writing and messaging.

Speech is produced in different ways depending on the user’s ability to choose and generate messages

  • Pre-recorded or digitised speech by choosing from one or several fixed messages for different situations
  • Combining pre-set words and phrases to create a new message
  • Using text and speech synthesis to produce unique messages