Toys and environmental control technology

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Toys and environmental control technology

Play and interaction using adapted toys and environmental controls

While access to computer technology is a valuable learning tool for children with learning and physical difficulties it cannot give them effective control over their physical surroundings. Using adapted toys and environmental controllers will allow them to operate simple toys, lights, play music and switch on electrical devices. For some children these can be much more motivating than software on a screen.

This can give them the opportunity to interact with the same toys as their peers and to learn that they can have control over their environment.  This will help them develop the skills and concepts needed to prepare them for the use of more complex environmental controls. 

Inclusive Technology supplies a large selection of resources to give children control of everything from simple battery toys up to television and other electronic devices using their access switches.

These include:

  • Specially adapted toys to give direct switch control.
  • Controllers to use with toys to give a variety of responses.
  • Simple mains controllers to turn on lights etc.
  • Simple control apps to enable them to use an iPad to control a wide range of devices.

This equipment can provide great opportunities for the development and learning of switch control and giving them a greater feeling of independence and preparation for their future life.